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How to Get Rid of Tonsillitis in One Day

flying ants how to get rid of flying ants

Photos by R A Kearton Getty Images

Flying ants — also known as swarmers or alates — often seem to appear on the same sunny day, 'flying ant day', around the UK. While there presence doesn't pose much threat to humans, their constant swarming can be irritating – especially when dining alfresco.

Generally, you're most likely to encounter the black garden flying ant (Lasius niger) in your garden. In some cases, their nests will have anywhere between 5,000 and 15,000 ant workers, so a large swam can be bad news for summer soirées.

Are you wondering how to get rid of flying ants? Take a look at everything you need to know ahead of flying ant season...

When is flying ant day 2021?

While flying ants buzz around for a few weeks, they tend to all emerge on a similar day around the country. While there is no set date for flying ant day 2021, it usually falls in July on a hot, humid day (often after heavy rain fall).

"Recent surveys have shown that winged ants emerge over several weeks, although there are usually several large peaks," wrote Dr Christopher Terrell-Nield from Nottingham Trent University in an article for The Conversation. "Since swarming is triggered by temperature and often occurs after summer rain, ants over a large area can appear on the same day if conditions are similar across it."

Why do flying ants suddenly appear?

Flying ants – whose sole purpose is to start a new colony — are often seem in large groups as this gives them protection from predators (they are safer in large numbers). You'll likely to see them emerge during the summer months as they embark on their "nuptial" flight. With breeding on the agenda, they are drawn to warmer seasons when the temperature, humidity and wind conditions are just right for them.

yellow meadow ant, lasius flavus, queens emerging from ground about to fly to start new nest

Andi Edwards Getty Images

    How do I get rid of flying ants?

    Like other insects, flying ants are attracted to sweet delicious treats, such as honey. To keep them away from your home, some of the things you can do include keeping kitchen surfaces clean, sealing bins, keeping food out of sight and mopping floors to ensure there is no ant trail.

    While prevention is the best way to get rid of them, you can try to banish their presence by using all-natural spray with peppermint oil. Fill a few droplets into a spray bottle, add with water or dish soap and then mix well. It might not stop them coming back, but it will certainly reduce their current presence.

    • Shop some of the best products to get rid of flying ants •

    Ants repellents

    Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent

    Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent



    Diatomaceous Earth

    Diatomaceous Earth



    Peppermint Oil

    Peppermint Oil

    ecodrop essential oils


    Tea Tree Essential Oil

    Tea Tree Essential Oil

    ecodrop essential oils


    Pure Cinnamon (Bark) Essential Oil

    Pure Cinnamon (Bark) Essential Oil




    How long do flying ants stay around?

    Winged ants emerge over several weeks, usually in high and humid temperatures. Another reason ants stay around in large numbers is to increase the chance of reproduction, as bigger groups will mean they won't have to look far to mate.

    Are flying ants bad?

    No, flying ants aren't bad or dangerous. While carpenter ants can chew through wood and create property damage, flying ants won't bite and are not poisonous. A large swam can, however, lead to a full ant infestation around your home.

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    How to Get Rid of Tonsillitis in One Day
